Our Process

Our process comprises of five phases that are designed to ensure a harmonious cohesive experience for both the client and the team.


The project is kicked off at this phase. The team at eyeon together with the client analyze, research and strategize a conceptual approach to the project. The ground work is laid to establish the overall framework and processes to deliver an experience that embodies the client’s message.


The approved concepts are visually created at this phase. The initial concepts are fleshed out as visual renders, mock-ups of proposed systems, equipment configuration, and interactive prototypes along with a detailed preliminary budget. The central storytelling experience is defined through a diverse spectrum of multimedia tools: scripting, storyboarding, 3D visualization, lighting plans, template creation, and architectural models, to name a few.


The designs are put to life at this phase. At this stage, high quality outputs are rendered as the workflow moves from static graphic to dynamic animated sequences. Efficient and clear communication ensures that feedback is quickly and efficiently applied to ensure quality as the process moves forward towards project deadlines.


The experience is guaranteed to run smoothly at this phase. We prioritize quality and ensure the client’s requirement are fulfilled in every step of the way. In addition to maintenance, this stage also includes creation of new or seasonal content for an existing multimedia architecture. Eyeon ensures the smooth running of the experience by having a well-trained team of operators on hand to monitor, maintain, and update the project right throughout.

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